Jan 7, 2008

Mr. Deering is a Freakin' GENIUS!

I want to welcome j. deering, our BLOG reader, who has been posting absolutely brilliant comments here lately! You dumb Christians should take this as a model for how to conduct your miserable, pathetic lives, and should read HIS blog too!

For example, check the awesome latest entry, “Irish Farmer clings desperately to the Myth of Jesus”! Remember, folks, using the word “desperate” or one of its permutations is critical to refuting those dumb fundies! Let’s sit back though and let good old jd expulcate on this subject:

After reading his response to my comments, (see https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=14398630&postID=5816237712154389446) it is obvious that the Irish Farmer has closed out both his mind and his options, desperately clinging to the hope of Christianity like a drowning man in a sea of existential waves he doesn't think he'd survive if he let go and swam for it on his own.

Yeah, you go, jd! I mean, just LOOK at some of these desperate things Irish Farmer said, the poor sap. He had the nerve to ask jd for a REFERENCE for one of his claims! Isn’t that such gall??? He even went so far as to ask jd to back up all of his claims! How dare he question a man of such obvious erudtion and scholarship!

When a Christian demands that you document your claims – congratulations! They’re obviously stunned into not being able to answer!

Let me tell ya, folks: I’ve been really, really enjoying reading mr. deering’s blog because it is just so obvious that this man has spanked the bare butt of Christianity with his paddle of reason. I mean, just look at this work of genius from one of his more recent entries:

It's as easy as saying "There's nothing new under the sun", a statement that you would probably agree with except for Christianity it seems. That is called exceptionalism and it is a falsehood to believe that what is didn’t come from what was, which produces what will be.

You preach it, bro. deering! And don’t let any Christian ever tell you that Eccl. 1:9 is in the genre of proverbial (non-absolute) literature. That’s all just a bunch of made up horse crap! If God wanted it clear that Ecclesiates was full of proverbial statements, he/she/it could have implanted knowledge of ancient literary genres in our minds from birth! The fact that he/she/it didn’t proves that we should take Eccl. 1:9 with 100% universal literalness and apply it as specifically as possible! (In other words, for example, Jesus wore sandals not because it was common footwear of the day, but because Moses wore sandals and the stupid Christians were just creating Jesus out of the imaginations using Moses as one of their templates!)

It is both logical and reasonable to believe that Christianity incorporated the beliefs of older faiths as it grew and established itself. It also happens to be true...

YES! Precisely! You don’t need to give examples, or historically justify them; it is more than sufficient to say it is both logical and reasonable and true, because it is! Logic and reason said, it, I believe it, that settles it!

How do we know that Judaism isn't the oldest religion? Because we do. Christianity is a teenager by comparison to Hinduism. If Paganism borrowed from Judaism, that would not be a shock, since we know that Christianity borrowed from Paganism and is built upon the beliefs of ancient Jews, with some present-day Jews even believing that Yeshua actually is the Messiah, and yet they are Jews, not Christians.

Way to go, mr. deering! This is pure, unadulterated genius from the top of the toilet tank! The mere fact that there are older religions clearly proves that they were borrowed from! And once again, the absolute brilliance of mr. deering’s straightforward assertions (“we know” – how? Because we do, that’s why!) leaves me hyperventiliating! This is exciting stuff! We may need to invite mr. deering to post here with us!

The fact that newer faiths are built upon the beliefs of other earlier faiths is without controversy. That is just human history. Yeshua wasn't born on December 25th, the chances of that being 364 to 1 against, but it's a good day to celebrate the birthday of a person when no one actually knows what his actual birthday was. That is life by approximation and that is how people create and advance religious beliefs.

That’s right! It’s very clear that the use of December 25th proves that everything else was borrowed or made up too – whatever it was! Right, mr. deering? You Einstein, you, gimme a big fat kiss!

Try this one for size and see how it fits: Yeshua was a Jew. His Jewish upbringing, culture, and beliefs helped form how he understood the world and what he taught about it. He did not base his beliefs on a vacuum or something entirely different from what he knew and had been taught. He was a product of his day just as you are of yours. There is nothing new under the sun, even Christianity. Without a link to its Jewish roots, your faith would be incomprehensible…

Yes sir! I mean, I just love the depth and specificity of mr. deering’s analysis! If I had known about this stuff 10 years ago, I would have deconverted a lot sooner! mr. deering, where were you when I needed you???


John Deering said...
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John Deering said...

I'm so sorry that I wasn’t there for you ten years ago, but I'm here for you now.

I'm not so sure about your faith because you seem to spend a lot of time demanding facts and appealing to authorities, which is a fallacy of course. We'll work on that I guess but if I thought facts would make you happy, I’d be glad to include them however Christian Apologetics does little else but try to dismiss the facts, what the rest of call “the basis for the truth”.

That I can tell, apologetics isn’t good for anything else because it certainly doesn’t save souls or help the least of us when it spends all its time arguing one point of theology versus another, mainly between the supposed believers in Christ. Be that as it may, I’m sure happy to help where I can, even if that is little more than some lighthearted enlightening reading material. I’d suggest that you put a computer next to your toilet but please make sure that you have a GFCI installed first. Although you might enjoy it, I’d hate to see you meet or not meet God before your time ends on this useless planet that is only good for getting your soul to Heaven and the Glorious Afterlife via Santa Christ.

God btw, is the ultimate authority so appealing to him is therefore the ultimate fallacy. Regardless, I taink you for the kind welcome. You Christians really know how to heap on the Praise...

J. P Holding said...

Yes, john, please DO include some facts. I realize yes, that it is extremely fallacious to ask people to back up their claims with facts, and to do silly things like ask someone who has a doctorate in history, about history. All we need is common sense and a good mind, right my friend? You're the type of person we need MORE of in the world!

John Deering said...
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John Deering said...

More of me in the world? I think not. One of me is more than enough for a million Christians.

Once again, you appeal to authority I see. You have a real thing for that. It's a shame that it's the basis of most weak arguments. You can use that against the Christians btw. They are always trying to quote some authority one way or another, nearly always someone who also believes in Christianity, meaning that they have already accepted the fantastic, unproven, or what can’t be proved as truth. Their arguments usually start to fall apart right there and then but they swear that’s not true. We, of course, know better and they rarely let facts get in the way of their Ticket to Heaven.

Yeshua (Jesus to them) either rose bodily from the grave or their faith is nothing. That’s the usual line of reasoning. With thinking like that, it’s amazing that any glimmer of rational thought makes into their minds at all. Think of the damage it might do should they discover that they’re praying to God using the wrong name…

IrishFarmer said...

I have reflected long and hard on John's words, and have concluded that despite the evidence that Jesus really lived, died, and rose again, and despite the logical arguments for God's existence, and the arguments specifically in favor of Christian theology, and despite the witness of the Holy Spirit, the statement, "There is nothing new under the sun" clearly overrides everything.

John, you have enlightened me and saved me from the cancerously virus-like memeplex of religionosity and delivered me into the salvation of the cancerous, virus-like memeplex of atheism. Thank you!

Brookes Slurpee said...

john deering is spot on. I find that debates go much more quickly when we forgo all that "supporting our arguments with facts and scholarship" nonsense. A few appeals to common sense, a few withering insults, and we walk away with another victory for atheism. Yay for us! \o/

John Deering said...

It's Toaster Oven time, twice over!!

I am so pleased that I will personally ask that Sam Harris himself deliver your brand spankin' new toaster in person. If you will just kindly forward me your current address and Visa card information for shipping and handling charges, I will get him on the road ASAP. Thanks for playing and may the logic be with you, or something appropriate along those lines…