Jan 7, 2008

Debunking Crap - A higher standard

We here at Debunking Crap have always and will always hold ourselves to a higher standard of discourse. You will never see us insult our opponents or give them any less respect than we would like to be given in return, even if we do have to regularly deal with morons like James Patrick Holding and his ignorant supporters. If only they could take an honest look at themselves, they'd realize that they're coming across as nothing more than petulant children, and we here at Debunking Crap will never stoop to their barbarous level.

Part of the problem, I suspect, is that they're fools for believing in Christianity and they know it, or at least a part of them knows it, and it is this fear of losing something they hold very dear that compels these cretins and their ilk to lash out in sometimes idiotic and irrational ways. But we are like ducks, and all their insults are like water off our backs. We will never respond in kind, no matter how much loonies like James Patrick Holding might deserve it. We don't need to, because we are confident that our beliefs are true and that we are smarter than any stupid Christian who might be foolish enough to challenge us.

Just to show you how serious we are about promoting civility, we are officially extending the olive branch of peace to James Patrick Holding and any other dunderheads who are too uninformed to realize that engaging us in debate is a fool's errand. We have always and will always hold ourselves to a higher standard of discourse. Can incompetent bastards like James Patrick Holding and the rest of Christian apologetics say the same?


Chaotic Void said...

Like, Welcome, man...

Wanna Toke?

John Deering said...

I'm so pleased that this blog will be upholding higher standards than the Christians. As we all know, that isn't hard to do but it's a worthy goal regardless.

The thing to do with the Christians is to get them to be nasty and spiteful, angry and argumentative, bitter and frustrated. You want them to be as unchristian as possible so that the true Glory of God shines through. If you do this right, and it is often great fun, you can make it look like a game to them that they can win. It usually takes them quite a while before they realize that they lost the game as soon as they started to play. I know it's hard to believe, but the Christians really are that stupid.

Anyway, thanks for implementing the high ethical standards. If you were going to be just like the Christians, I’d have to post somewhere else because while I might be going to Hell soon, I’m not going to step on anyone’s feelings getting there. That would just be mean and Yeshua and I can agree on at least that much…

Brookes Slurpee said...

Thank you for your enthusiastic support, Mr. Deering. It is a fact that only morons and ignorant buffoons use insults and that no atheist on earth would be caught dead using such in his own debates. That's because our confidence in our own superior rationalism trumps facts and scholarship any day of the week. That we so easily dismiss the well supported arguments of Christians only serves to frustrate their already shaky beliefs, and the very second they call us "uninformed" or some other insult to point out the fact that we downplay credentialed scholars in favor of broad brushing our opponents or appealing to "common sense" is evidence that we've just emerged victorious from another debate.

It is my firm belief that even if their beliefs have withstood considerably scrutiny for over 2000-years that within our lifetime, we'll be able to come up with that one killer argument that will put an end to Christianity once and for all. Keep waving that banner, john. We'll beat those dirty Christians yet.

John Deering said...

Dear Brookes,

I fear that you have a fundamental (pun intended) misunderstanding of our fight. We don’t beat the Christians, they do. All we do is point how insane it is to believe in an afterlife that can only be reached by believing in a God that is irrational. The Bible and the Christians themselves are all we need. They do the work for us by being close-minded and sectarian. We just point out the obvious, like the Gospels being inaccurate, and let them argue themselves into knots trying to show that the God sent God to earth with the help of God as a sacrifice to God. That kind of commonly accepted nonsense is all we need.

Try not to be too cocky when pointing out the fact that smaller one’s IQ, the more likely you are to believe in God, that scientists usually don’t believe in God, at least not the God of the Bible or the Personal God. That the more educated you are the more likely you are to be an atheist, and that most Christians spend their lives defending a faith that they know little about and accepted in their childhood just like they accepted as a fact the existence of Santa Claus.

You want to be nice when saying that the Christians pray to Santa Christ without ever serious considering other faiths. Since they believe in their very hearts that the Christ must be real, they get mean and nasty, downright unchristian when things like this are pointed out. The one thing a Christian can’t do is follow Jesus by example, but you can rise above them and be like him. He rejected his childhood faith and we can follow his example. Just as we are with animals, we should try to be nice to the Christians. After all, they have been fighting and often killing each other over “orthodoxy” since Jesus walked the earth. There’s no reason for us to sink to their level.

Just remember, when a Christian is being unchristian, we win and their god looks small and petty like they do, every time...

Brookes Slurpee said...

I fear that you have a fundamental (pun intended) misunderstanding of our fight. We don’t beat the Christians, they do.

I agree! That's what I've been saying all along! When they cite their facts and their credentialed scholars and their historical experts and their textual evidence, etc., all we have to do is stick our fingers in our ears and then sit back and watch the insults fly.

Go ahead and let them call me "willfully ignorant". All it's doing is showing that they can't argue without insults, and any argument that shows even the hint of insult is wrong on the face of it.

You're a good man, john deering. You're doing a great job exposing the true face of atheism. I'm glad to have you around. :)

John Deering said...
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John Deering said...
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John Deering said...

I appreciate your support. There is so little of it in the world these days, what with all these Christians telling me they love and other such nonsense.

BTW, don't be trapped into thinking that the Christians understand the Authority Fallacy. They can site tons of believers who are desperate to show that the faith is valid even though they are consumed by doubts. Every time you hear a Christian try to defend an argument by calling on some authority or form of evidence, just remind yourself how little faith they really have. Certainty isn't the absence of doubt, it's the dreaded fear of it.

As I learned long ago, a Christian of little faith sells it, at all costs and against all evidence and arguments, but a Christian of real faith lives it and lets God lead the way…

christlike said...

I found a website I think you'll find interesting. It looks at the historical proof of the Bible and talks about whether or not the Bible is true. The website is allabouttruth.org.