Jan 20, 2008

Like, why it's our duties as moral subjectivists to, like, point out the flaws of the Christian God, man!

Like, I always get asked this question, man:

If Moral Subjectivists like yourself honestly believe what they preach, then why do they insist upon pointing out the 'immorality' of the Christian God?

I reply somewhat like this, man:

I, like, always reply that we do that shit, like, because it's our job as moral subjectivists to point out the immorality of the Christian God... Like, how he ordered his 'cronies' to kill everyone in those wars and shit man....

They, like, often reply like this:

But Snortin' Blow... why don't you just leave them alone? After all, if morality is subjective like you claim, then you have no legitimate way of saying that their morality is wrong.

I often, like, reply like this man...

Like, I don't leave them alone because their morality is wrong, man. Like, how many times do I have to reiterate that phrase to, like, get it through your head, man!

Then they, like, say this, man:

But HOW is their morality wrong?! You have not provided any evidence that their morality is wrong, other than a reference to killing their enemies [who were very malicious, by the way] and the fact that you've based this conclusion upon your own subjective morality which is fallible.

My response is, like, more or less:
Like, Get Laid, Man!!!!!!!!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get laid... and, like, hopefully I don't have to pay this one in Blow...


Frank Walton said...

Getting laid with a mannequin doesn't count.

Chaotic Void said...

That Inflatable Doll certainly wasn't a Mannequin.