Jan 17, 2008

Holding Gets Whipped by Saliva!

Recently that moron goofball idiot apologist wannabee James Pee Holding had the indecency to take on one of my all time favorite enlightened atheist authors. No, I don't mean John Loftus, though he IS the greatest of all time! This time Holding had the nerve to insult my idol Dr. Heckler Saliva. As a service to Dr. Saliva I have asked him to write answers to about 3% of what Holding dared to write about him. I will post his responses over the next few days. Rip that moron apologist a new one, Dr. Saliva!

Now hear this! I have descended and will speak. I, Dr. Heckler Saliva, the greatest Biblical scholar in the world!

Your flatulent hero Holding will now feel my wrath, by the power of Rusty and Skippy! I have spoken! I shall now address his major bloviations.

Bloviation 1: Saliva is not a textual scholar.

HA! I will show you who is a textual scholar! There are two reasons this is a bad argument:

1. I am too a textual scholar! So there!

2. Holding is not one either! So there too!
I may not be the most prominent textual scholar in biblical studies, but that does not mean that I am not one at all! I'll prove it! My credentials are as follows:
1. Two of my professors at college mentioned "textual criticism" in their classes as least five times each!

2. I wrote articles which used the words "textual criticism" in them!

3. One time when I was walking down the street I actually saw Bruce Metzger and said hello to him!

4. I copied arguments off of sixteen pages of Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus in my book, Biblical Studies Sucks!
In contrast, Mr. Holding is an idiot and he actually quotes some guy who does church training at his church!.
So there!

Whoa! Dr. Saliva sure put that moron Holding in his place! More to come soon!


Brookes Slurpee said...

I don't even know why Holding bothers getting up in the morning. He probably can't even tie his shoes without consulting some credentialed expert. That's all he ever goes on about. "My credentialed source says this. My credentialed source says that."

Big woop. I'd rather do the research myself than trust what some "credentialed expert" who who has devoted his life to studying the subject has to say.

John Deering said...

I'd rather see God in person instead of trying to find Him by reading betweens the lines in a book of books whose authors are dead and mostly unknown..

I like my faiths person to person. For that All-Powerful, that shouldn’t be too difficult…