Dec 20, 2007

Was I REALLY ever an apologist for Christianity?

The other day I was browsing through the one-star reviews of my book on, and one Amazonian user remarked I was never a "true" apologist for Christianity:

The title of this book is a little bit misleading. This guys claims that he
was formerly an "apologist." Unfortunately, having a head full of
knowledge,answers, etc. does not an apologist make. A true apologist is able to
look atthe philosophy of atheism (or any other competing worldview/religion)
andrecognize the internal flaws and inconsistencies of the philosophy. Atheism
isfull of poor philosophy (begging the question, special pleading, etc.), and a
true apologist would not only be familiar with the objections presented toward
Christianity by atheism, but would have an understanding of why the
atheist's arguments are flawed. Being familiar with their arguments is worthless
if a theologian is unable to explain the internal inconsistencies and
poorphilosophy. On to the substance of the book... As stated in many of the
commentshere, this is just a guy who threw a temper tantrum when things didn't
turn outthe way he wanted them to. He blames God for the way God's people act as
aresult. This is absolutely ridiculous...if someone were to have a child,
andthat child were to grow up and murder someone on their own free will, would
theparent stand trial. Enough said...I feel sorry for this guy, but his ad
hominemarguments and senseless ramblings aren't worth your money. He tried to
dosomething - and expected others to do something - that nobody can do: live
agood, Christian life; and he blames God for the shortcomings of God's
children.Ridiculous. I feel sorry for any student who has learned "philosophy"
from thisman. I know I'll be put to the flames for this, but that's just because
theso-called "free thinkers" aren't really "freely thinking."

Now exactly what gives anyone else the right besides myself to say whether or not I was a "true" Christian apologist? Luckily I gave him a full load of a mind just so I could personally expose what an ignoramus he truly is:

All I can say is that my book is recommended by Christian apologists Norman L.
Geisler, and James F. Sennett. Sennett said I am a "scholar" and that my book is
"a wake up call to the church." Geisler said "it is a thoughtful and
intellectually challenging work, presenting arguments that every honest theist
and Christian should face." I guess you just disagree with them.Norman Geisler
calls me an apologist in his review of my book, titled, "From Apologist to
Atheist: A Critical Review." Christian Apologetics Journal, Vol 6, No. 1/Spring
2007. Again, I guess you just disagree.You never tell us what an apologist is.
Does having the equivalent of a Ph.D. degree in the Philosophy of Religion under
Dr. William Lane Craig count? Does teaching apologetics classes in Christian
colleges count? Does teaching philosophy and the philosophy of religion classes
as a Christian in secular colleges count? Does being the founding editor of an
apologetics journal count? Does writing several articles on apologetics count?
It's like you're saying no one is an author unless he's a bestselling author,
and that's ridiculous. It's like saying no one was a minister unless he was a
Senior minister, and that's laughable. Say what you will. My book will make a
difference. I'll leave you and your ad hominems to yourself. Besides, you don't
even show any evidence that you ever read my book. And you never dealt with any
of the substance in my book.

I think we can all fairly say who had the greater credibility and intellectual position on his side.

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