Dec 31, 2007

Holding and His Stupid Nincompoop Trilemma Argument!

One day recently I was banging my head against my desk as I often do, when it caused my mouse to click on to J. P. “Holding’s” arguments about the Trilemma. I’m not surprised Holding is convinced by this very stupid argument while brilliant, intelligent, smart people like me and Brian Holtz think it is so stupid. In fact, Holding is so stupid that he still believes in it ever after Holtz wrote an obviously unassailable rebuttal.

What’s that? You say Holding answered Holtz? In detail?


Well, never mind that! I’m gonna write my own rebuttal right now!

Let’s see. I’ll start by ignoring ¾ of the essay Holding wrote. That’s a good way to make it easier….uh….hey, did you know Holding is a massive egotist who thinks God calls him for advice on Biblical studies? He sure does! I have phone records to prove it! But hey, when I get done rebutting the other ¼ of this article, you dumb Christians are gonna feel so dumb that you’ll come and beg me to make you smarter! Ha ha! Here we go…

Uh…..okay….Holding indicates you have to first defend that Jesus said the things he is recorded as saying. I agree with that. Now don’t you people feel stupid?

You don’t? Oh….uh….


Okay, now I found something to make you people feel really dumb! Ready? It’s simple! You can refute the Trilemma by adding another option! Ha ha!


Hey, why aren’t you deconverting right now?

What the hell do you mean I have to actually propose an alternative? Kiss off! I don’t have to do anything! As long as some other alternative is logically possible, whatever it is, the Trilemma is dead, you stupid moron!

Okay, fine! My alternative is “legend”! Suppose that the stories of the virgin birth, miracles, resurrection, and ascension are all legends. Is it possible that they are? If it’s logically possible, then the trilemma is refuted! Ha ha! Ha haaaa haaa ha haaaa! Ha!

Oh, for pity's sake, what is it now????


What do you mean Holding addressed that already? WHERE???

What the hell -- !

Aw, hell! Shut up and leave me alone, you stupid Holding fanatics! I’ll be back someday to make you feel brighter and more enlightened, you ignorant fools! Kiss off! Rot in hell! John Loftus is GOD!

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