Feb 8, 2008

John Locust Will Be Sneaking Onto the Campus at the University of Wisconsin-Catawba

Chris Honkquist and his secular student organization invited my dear sweet kissy kissy buddy John Locust to speak on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Catawba about why he rejected Christianity. He'll be doing that February 12th at about 7 ish in the Shlago-Wahoo Phillips Memorial Sleep Research Lab. This will take place in room 2650 of that building (the broom closet). If you're near the area he would like to meet ya and sell ya a book. Please tell anyone you know who lives near there about it as well and make sure they buy a book too.


John W. Locust said...

Yes it should go out with a bang. This day in age young people need to be aware that are thinking people in this world that just don't find religion logically or philosophically satisfying. It also gives me great oppurtunity to help get my published works out there into the college classrooms. The next generation of scholars needs something to build its foundation on and must grow in its awareness and always-truthful inquiry.

I'm assuming you've purchased and read my book in its entirety, Mattchu?

Chaotic Void said...

Like, WOOHOO, Man!

Like, they better keep him away from the, like, soriority facilities, man... You, like, know how he gets when he's near young babes man...

J. P Holding said...

John, YES! In fact I purchased 500 copies, read each one, then kept 100 aside and used the rest to wallpaper my dorm room and then create an entirely new wardrobe for myself! Will you please please please autograph all of the pages for me??? Please?!??

Anonymous said...

John, my favorite part of the book is about that stripper with great tits who seduced you.



I sure would like some more details of that experience.

How was she?

Anonymous said...

(Hey, just between you a me, I don't have much experience.

Was she a moaner, or a screaamer? Which is better? My roomate says screamers are probably "faking it"...but I don't know what that meant.)

Anonymous said...

Hi pimpleface. If you're an atheist then you don't have to stick to those outdated laws in Leviticus. If you can' find a woman then sheep make good substitutes.

John W. Locust said...

"John, my favorite part of the book is about that stripper with great tits who seduced you."

Well let me state first by saying that it was a damaging experience to my relationship with my former wife. But if I had never come across Linda in the first place, I probably would still be an apologist for the Christian faith to this day.

Linda brought out the new me. Her manipulation over my pantzipper made me find my TRUE calling: I was destined to let go of that silly "sin" concept of Christianity and became a sex-careless atheist. Because of this I couldn't be anymore happier with my life as it is right now.

Anonymous said...

But if I had never come across Linda in the first place, I probably would still be an apologist for the Christian faith to this day.
It must have been a great loss for the christian apologetics community. I can imagine william lane craig sitting in his office thinking 'oh, how will we manage now that John Locust isn't here.' Just think, if events had turned out differently we'd be having to deal with arguments such as 'how do you know atheism is true and other world views aren't' I don't suppose you have any of your old apologetics work you could dust off the shelf? It'd be interesting to see what we would have been up against.

Anonymous said...

I remember finding out that:

a) Atheism teaches that a dead person is a bunch of atoms with no significance
b)You can have sex with whoever/whatever you want.

I was converted to atheism on the spot.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations John - I've just heard that Amazon ranks you as the 7th most not able religious leader. Even Debunking Crap's sister blog has put a screenshot of it up!

John W. Locust said...

Yes, I just saw that! Isn't it great?! This should demonstrate that all of the hype over my book is an issue of honest and enlightening scholarship NOT what those idiots over TWeb would call "egocentrism." Look at what the world is coming too these days. Sheesh.