Mar 7, 2008

I Hope JP Holding DIES! Several times!

That did it! I'm so mad now! That J. P . Holding and his buddies are making fun of my kiss kiss hero John Locust again (see last lovable blog entry by my dear sweet buddy)! And he called my other kiss kiss hero Dr. Hectoring Avalost a name -- "Dr. Stupid"! What an intellectual crook!

Hey, look! I see no problem in apologizing for errors, whether slight or serious, and I am open-minded to accepting legitimate criticisms from people should I make an error as long as people are civil in their criticisms. By that I mean, I won't accept correction until you agree to let me roll down my pants so you can plant some lip gloss! You better be super nice to me when I make a mistake, or I'll kill you!

I don’t claim to be an intellectual nor do I try to pass myself off a serious scholar. I try to make people think I am one in more subtle ways than that. It's how I got away with stuff as a kid. Sometimes.

Aw heck, I'm getting off topic! Let me get to the main point. Holding's slip-up. I mean,

Holding’s Slip-Up

That's better! There was a time on TWeb when I asked Holding to explain what he meant by something, and Holding explained it, and even changed his article to make it clear in case someone else had the same question I did. Well, you see the slip-up? Come on, it's right there! Holding was so stupid he didn't anticipate my problem with comprehension before I explained it to him!

I am so sorry that I pointed this out to him! If I had never pointed this out to him, I could use this as deadly ammunition to destroy his apologetic argument for the resurrection. The atheist community has one less club to beat Holding with no thanks to me!

But here's the real point! I am confident that this will not be the last time that Mr. Holding slips up! There will come a time in the future where Mr. Holding will slip-up and make such a damaging error that it will completely destroy a big argument of his for the Christian faith. It may not be on the topic of the resurrection but it will be sufficient to damage, irreparably, his apologetics for the Christian faith. I am predicting that he will slip-up big time again! I'm going to check his stupid Tekton website 100 times a day waiting for that to happen! I am quite confident that this will happen! When it happens, I will e-mail Hectoring Avalosost and show him it! Perhaps with a confident declaration of scholarly expertise, Dr. Avalos will judge Mr. Holding to be not just an amateur but an “intellectual crook”. When Mr. Holding makes his slip-up, I will be right here waiting to rub his nose in it. I'll take out ads in the New York Times! I'll tattoo a description of the slip-up on my rear end and take photographs and post them all over the world! I'll tell John Locust! I'll tell my mommy! I'll dance in the street and scream about it! Wheeeeeeee!

Huh? Where was I?

Oh. Never mind. See you next time.


Anonymous said...

I looked at the thread and I can't see what was wrong with your argument about why god didn't make us all vegetarians. Indeed, whilst I sit here eating a hamburger I can't but wonder what sort of god would allow people to eat meat. Personally I would go one step further and ask why god made us need to eat at all - think of all the time we waste eating when god could make food pop into our stomachs out of nowhere. Moreover, think of the poor vegetables which get destroyed - why would god make carrots if we're just going to eat them?

J. P Holding said...

Anon, you are so right! As I showed in a brilliant post some time ago, for example, the banana is a perfect example of how God must be arrogant and snotty! Carrots could be used for the same argument.

God obviously is a moron.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mattchu - I found it here

I was, however, wondering why god didn't make us into bananas:

1)I think that we have conclusivly shown that we'd be better off without freewill
2)Bananas don't have freewill
3)Therefore I'd be better off as a banana

J. P Holding said...

Anon, you''re right!

I'm going to go line myself with peels right now!

Anonymous said...

Ho ho, ha ha, more of that Holding 'satire' eh. Good one.